Thursday, January 10, 2008

So I am moving! And I am really getting sick of others giving me their opinion!! I really don't care that YOU think I am making the wrong choice, If in fact it WAS a mistake, that is My issue! I guess if people were in my shoes they might understand, but such is life I guess! I am going to miss everyone so much, especially the people I work with. I love my job, I hate to leave it but it is something I have to do in order for me to grow as a person. Some people are so supportive of my move and others are really no getting in their mind! I know they are just want me to stay for selfish reasons( Being them selfs ). But I so excited!

1 comment:

Simply Be Photo/Melissa said...

YEAH!!! your now a blogger with with the rest of us. i'm excited!! so how much longer till you move on up??