Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Tiffany text me today telling me I need to update my Blog. She acts like I have changed my mind since the last one I wrote!!
Well.....I changed my mind about moving up to Logan. It just didn't feel right. I was really excited to move up there, but every time I would think about it I would get a really sick feeling. I thought because I had somewhere to live and had a lot of people trying to help me find a job, that my prayers were being answered. I think sometimes you can pray to much about things. I don't think that I would have a bad choice by moving up to Logan, But I was not meant to move up there. I am happy where I am. I know I need to have my own life, but at the same time, My family is my life. I love them all so much. I also decided that I can try harder to better the situation. The moment that I decided that, things got so much better. And I love my job. I love the people I work with, I love what I do. I have 2 weeks vacation, and 100 sick hours, how can you leave that? And not to mention, I am the favorite!!
SO I have been training for a half marathon, it is kicking my butt!! I was doing really good at the beginning of the year, I got up to 7 miles. Then I stated dating a few to many people at one time and I was not able to go running as much as I wanted. so on that note, I felt like I started over. When I would go running a few weeks ago, I was barley able to finish 2 miles. I was so mad at myself!! I only have 7 weeks left until my half marathon, so I knew I had to step up my game. Monday after work I went to the gym, and I set my Ipod for 5 miles. After the first mile, I was ready to stop, but I told myself I couldn't. After the nest mile, I was REALLY ready to give up at 2. The first 2 miles I was so tired, I would stop after I would finish the mile and do sit ups and push ups. Then I felt like I was ready to do one more mile. After I finished the 3rd mile, I didn't want to stop, I thought I might as well just get it over with and keep running. The Lady came on over my head phones and said " Congratulations, you have finished your goal of 5 miles!" I was not ready to stop, I thought I will do one more mile, after I finished 6 I told myself I was going to do 8 miles! Well I finished 8.25 miles!! It was AMAZING!! It felt so good, I am so proud of myself! A girl from work, asked me if I wanted to start going running on our lunch. We went on Tuesday. WE just drove up to the park up the street. There is a track, 2 1|2 times around is 1 miles. We did 2 miles in 18 min. So we did a mile in 9 minutes!
At first I started running to lose weight. but it is to the point that I do it for fun. It is very relaxing.
I think that is all I have to say today....

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